The Different Ways to Consume Marijuana
June 13, 2019Why You Should Try Smoking a Glunt Glass Blunt
April 30, 2020If we think about the stoner stereotype, it is almost certain that one of the first things that will come to mind is the marijuana joint. Popular in art and music masterpieces related to the stoner era or the archetype, the joint is an old-school centerpiece method of consuming cannabis. Its iconic presence in the marijuana world will never be forgotten although there are a number of alternatives to consuming your herbs today such as vaping or using edibles.
Today, the legalization of marijuana across a number of countries has helped the industry evolve and grow a healthy foundation, leading to the creation of innovative alternatives to traditional smoking. For instance, the glass blunt has given rise to a whole new dimension of enjoying your favorite colorful THC-rich flower. However, old-fashioned stoners or those who enjoy a dive in the past may prefer to show the joint some respect from time to time, as a reminder of where the true cannabis experience comes from.
In this article, we’ll look at the process of rolling the perfect joint to get maximum pleasure from the smoking experience!
How to Roll a Joint
Rolling a joint may seem like a piece of pie but if you have little experience with this activity you may find that it is not as simple as it sounds. There are a number of points to cover in order to get a good joint rolled and we will take you through the journey step by step.
Buckle up, here we go!
- Preparation
First things first, you need to prepare the necessary “ingredients” for your joint baby before starting. Joints are literally like ordinary cigarettes but the main difference is that instead of tobacco, their main substance is marijuana. Start by preparing the necessary supplies:
- Your favorite marijuana strain
- Marijuana grinder
- Rollin paper
- Crutch or filter
- An ear scoop or pen to help you push the herbs down the joint
- Breaking Down the Herbs
Now, for this step, the advice is to use the marijuana grinder that is listed in the necessary supplies. However, keep in mind that there are alternatives to breaking down your cannabis. For instance, you can use your hands, parchment or wax paper, plastic cards, scissors, or any other object that may come in handy. The grinder is the most comfortable, easy to use, and specifically designed for the purpose product but don’t be afraid to be creative!
The herbs must be well-dried in order to break down with ease. Load your grinder with the marijuana by removing the lid and using your fingers to break your bud. Put the lid back on and start rotating the lid by holding the bottom of the grinder with your other hand.
Tip: Give your grinder a gentle tap before opening to help the parts of the cannabis that have stuck to the walls to be released.
- Preparing Your Crutch
The joint’s crutch is like the normal cigarette’s filter. Some rolling papers will come with crutch material in the pack but if you don’t have anything pre-made, worry not. A crutch can be created from nearly any material such as cardboard or business cards. Using the accordion method of folding paper, make the material softer and easier to manage. Roll the thin cardboard or other material to match the thickness of your joint. At first, this may be among the more difficult parts of rolling a joint but don’t give up! With practice comes perfection.
A joint may be smoked without a crutch or filter but it does make the joint more stable and prevents from material falling out.
- The Actual Filling and Rolling
You are almost ready to start creating the actual joint! Start filling the paper with the broken down marijuana by spreading it across the paper and placing the crutch at one of the ends. Try to keep the quantity of the herbs up to a gram and start shaping the joint by using your fingers.
Next comes the tricky part – the rolling. One your joint has been shaped, use your fingertips to gently squeeze the paper between them and roll back and forth to get the herbs in a packed position. Your bud should be in a straight cylinder form at the end of this step.
The rolling paper will have a glued and non-glued side. Find the glued side and tuck it into the roll. Your thumb should be placed over the filter at all times to secure it and prevent it from moving around, while the other thumb should be moving away from the filter heading upwards to tuck in the bottom side of the paper.
Last, lick the sticky or glued part of the rolling paper and keep rolling until the joint is sealed and ready to go. The upper end of the joint will remain open and you can use a pen to tuck in the marijuana better and make it more compact. Once done, twist to remaining paper around the joint and you are ready to light up!
The Modern Way of Smoking: The Glass Blunt
Enjoying a joint is certainly a priceless experience that any stoner should try! However, it’s worth noting that there are a few drawbacks to consuming your cannabis from a joint. The joint is likely to burn faster and expose you to the risk of losing valuable material, especially if your cannabis is not well-dried. This can also stem from rolling a loose joint if you are not experienced enough to create the perfect tightness of the joint.
To prevent marijuana smokers from negative experiences with rolling joints, the market now provides an alternative – the glass blunt. The glass blunt is a glass tube where stoners insert their herbs and smoke in an instance, by applying a simple twist. The benefits of the glass blunt are numerous. For starters, you can have a puff or two and save the rest for later without wasting any material. You don’t need any rolling skills to enjoy your ganja and the glass prevents odor from leaving the tube. Furthermore, it is easy to clean and safe to carry around. Our glass blunt comes with two glass tubes meaning that you can also pack more herbs if you are leaving for a long walk in the park or will be out all day.
We hope that the guide to rolling the best joint will come in handy. Joints are great fun for social nights or gatherings with friends to remember to good old days of smoking marijuana. However, it may be more convenient to adapt to the modern way of smoking by trying the amazing glass blunt which will save you time, effort, and money for extra accessories for smoking.